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David Perlick

Philosopher; Poet; Musician; Scholar; Father; Husband; Lawyer; Software Entrepreneur; Lover of Cats; Skier Extraordinaire. Look me up at Highland and let’s get beyond the type-set.

How does one write a bio before one dies? How does one really know what they stand for without looking back? Aren’t our survivors the ones who can most accurately give an account of who we are – of who we were? With a Margarita in my hand at 2 AM, I set out to write this “bio” as if I really know who I am . But it’s all clouded by who I think I am, who I think I should be, and who I’ve been before today. So, I look back. I take stock. I attempt to be fair and somewhat unbiased. Who am I writing this “bio” for anyways? I’m certainly not writing it for Sina. He already knows me better than I’ll ever know myself. So, I guess I’m either writing it for you, or I’m writing it for myself. Because all we all ever really want most is to know ourselves (or hope to God we never do). But if we must know ourselves, and if we were to ever hope to be “proud” of who we say we know…what would we say, and if we did not truthfully have the blessing of knowing that “Self” which we would hope to write about, what would we do? What could we do???

Indeed we can’t really know. So we must simply make it up. And in so doing, if we are lucky, we manifest that reflection of ourselves which we would love to see written up in some History book somewhere, way down the line…. But they asked me for a “bio”. And this is all I gave them.