Highland | City Club

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Chad Lewis

Born in Dallas and raised in Colorado, Chad Lewis graduated from CU Boulder in May of 2020 with a degree in Computer Science. Chad currently works as a Development and Software Engineer hoping to lead his own company someday soon.

Growing up, Chad was an avid hockey and lacrosse player, programmer, and a student of leadership. Once in college, Chad continued to play hockey, spent a brief stint as a cheerleader, became a brother in Tau Kappa Epsilon, and worked in one of CU’s research labs on AR and VR. He also tried and “failed" to start a cybersecurity company as well as a company striving to revolutionize search and rescue planning. Chad spends his free time reading, working on side projects, and growing his streaming channels.

At 23, Chad is excited to be an integral part of Highland City Club and hopes to learn from the many successful and highly motivated members who spend time there. He would also like to capture as much value as he can from his fellow members and may reach out to you soon!

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