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Marcia Emmons

Marcia (pronounced Mar-see-ah) grew up in a small town in South Texas where she learned to love the outdoors, adventure, and horses. This upbringing instilled in her the value of independence and self reliance. 

After graduating from law school, Marcia began her career as inhouse counsel for an energy company. This work took her to Philadelphia, Aberdeen, Scotland, and London, all of which she loved and appreciated for their unique qualities. Along the way, Marcia married and had a daughter and a son, and the family settled in Austin where she began work with a global renewable energy company. 

When the company relocated to Colorado in 2008, Marcia and her family moved to Boulder, where she acts as General Counsel overseeing the Legal team, as well as HR and Communications. 

Being surrounded by natural beauty every day is a gift Marcia pauses to notice. She has a passion for gardens, beautiful design in everyday objects, bookshops, and boutique grocery stores. Her family is close knit and brings her great joy. The idea of traveling to places she has never been continues to fuel her desire to travel and see the world.