Highland | City Club

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Lydia Jones

Lydia Jones believes values must be lived by taking deliberate action — a necessary ingredient for living a life of meaning and integrity.

Lydia carried this belief to the slopes for four years while working as an adaptive ski instructor for people with disabilities. Creativity was essential—there was always a way to get someone on the snow. Through this process, she came to understand the simple but profound truth that the only real limits are the ones we accept.

Except, of course, for time. The fact that it is fleeting gives it weight. So instead of focusing on what she is doing, Lydia focuses on how she is living. She searches for beauty amidst life’s small frustrations, knowing that each moment is irreplaceable.

Soon to be pursuing her MBA at CU, Lydia plans to apply her independent thinking to explore the intersection of business and sustainability. Given that social and political issues are rarely black and white, she strives to uphold her value that progress comes from questioning assumptions, fostering empathy, and engaging in meaningful conversations across perspectives.