Highland | City Club

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Bob Yates

Highland Institute, a Boulder-based think tank, invites you to a dialogue on a subject of concern to all Boulderites — homelessness.

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Boulder City Councilman Bob Yates will deliver a keynote talk entitled “Boulder homelessness: A vision and a path”. Bob has a long-standing interest in effectively and compassionately addressing the subject of homelessness. As a member of the Boulder City Council, he is focused on increasing access to affordable housing, economic vitality, and ensuring government accountability and transparency. Bob is an active community member engaged in numerous civic and nonprofit organizations, and his incisive monthly Boulder Bulletin is read by thousands.

Background: Home to the most educated and deemed to be the best small city in America, Boulder also has a number of unhoused people. The root causes of homelessness vary widely, from financial hardship, to conscious philosophical lifestyle, to mental or emotional challenge and substance addiction.

Highland Institute starts with the notion that America aspires to be a country of law and order where laws are fair and evenly enforced, or are otherwise changed through the democratic process. The Institute also sees America as a wealthy country, whose residents are compassionate by nature, who strive to best accommodate the unhoused, whether the result of economic distress, mental illness or substance addiction. By the same token the community has a legitimate need to address criminal behavior through the even-handed enforcement of the laws enacted to ensure public safety.

As Boulder strives to find a balance between law enforcement and the natural compassion to act as our Brother’s Keeper, the goal of this gathering is the crafting of a shared future vision when it comes to homelessness -- one that is both desirable and possible -- together with specific and practical actions to further this vision.

Please join us, whether you are simply curious or are deeply engaged in the topic. All residents are welcome to attend (no charge) by registering in advance at highland.institute after which you will receive the link to the live webcast.

Keynote Listeners:

  • Shari Roth, Chair of Safer Boulder

  • Bobby Pelz, Chair of Boulder Homeless Shelter

  • Hon. Linda Cooke, Boulder Municipal Judge

  • Chip, Downtown Boulder Partnership

  • Tatiana Hernandez, Boulder Community Foundation