Highland | City Club

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Perry Towle

Perry Towle plays sports, games, and writes songs with his wife and two daughters ages 10 and 14. Mountain biking at least one weekend morning is non-negotiable.

Making videos and music has been his creative outlet since early in high school in the late 1980s. Back then, no one owned a video recorder much less even knew how to use one. After editing the videos Perry would mix them with music he had composed. He still enjoys doing this 30+ years later.

In his twenties Perry was a youth counselor. He was enamored with the personal growth that tweens and teens were experiencing while participating in collaborative activities in the wilderness. He went on to get a Masters in Experiential Education.

In his thirties Perry got into digital design and animation and eventually started TruFuel.com producing websites, banner ads, mobile apps, and animations for marketing companies. The flexibility of this type of contract work allowed him to be more available as a parent when his daughters were not yet school age.

These days Perry is the creator of Ungloo.com. Ungloo provides simple tools, inspirational animated videos, and group support (locally and online) to propel hands-on fathers into a new world of mental, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional well being. They focus on fathers because dads are more hands-on with their children and participating domestically more than ever before.