Simon Glass
Simon Glass exemplifies the power of acceptance and adaptability. Growing up in New Zealand, his early passion for computers drove him to explore systems from the inside out. His career, spanning from ARM to founding Bluewater Systems and contributing to the first ARM-based Chromebook, reflects a dedication to solving complex problems through practical, incremental solutions.
Embracing Amor Fati, Simon approaches life with an acceptance of his fate and a determination to make changes when the right time strikes. He questions society’s tendency to burden individuals rather than address systemic issues yet remains optimistic about the power of thoughtful action. Though he sees human nature as too complex to fully grasp, Simon finds meaning in the process of exploration and growth about himself and others.
Quiet yet forceful, Simon carefully contemplates his next move, often reflecting on whether he holds on to things longer than he should. At this stage of life, he finds himself on the right track as he reimagines how computers boot and collaborates on open-source projects. Simon believes that while character is largely innate, it can be sculpted through life’s experiences—a philosophy he embodies in guiding his wife and three children as they shape their paths.