The Highland Institute for the Advancement of Humanity is grateful to our Key Note Speakers and Key Note Listeners for their willingness to share their perspectives on the post pandemic world that we aspire to. The following are offered as suggestions on the format and timing of our forthcoming events.
All events will have a combination of an in-person audience at Highland City Club (all COVID precautions will be closely followed) and will be broadcast to an on-line audience who will have registered in advance.
Keynote Speakers:
After a brief two minute introduction by the Institute’s Director, the main speaker will be invited to take the micro phone for approximately 25 minutes.
Format: The main request to the speaker is that she/he shares a.) their vision for the post pandemic world on the agreed topic, and b.) the necessary actions to get there. The speaker should feel free to dwell on that vision so that the audience can fully appreciate and ideally share the desired end result if everything works… i.e. “starting with the end in mind”. With clarity on the vision, the speaker can then “back-cast” sharing the three to four practical actions that are needed to achieve the vision.
Style: The presentation should be in a relaxed “Ted Talk” type format. Stories to illustrate points as well as a bit of humor are welcome. Use of visual aids will be difficult when the event is held in the City Club’s gardens.
Timing: The speaker should aim for a presentation of approximately 25 minutes. While the whole event of approximately one hour will be recorded, the speaker’s final two minutes should be a summary of the vision and recommended actions. This will serve as a short encapsulation to capture the essence of the talk that can be used for follow-up support after the event.
Keynote Listeners
Five designated listeners will be selected to join the event based on their knowledge and interest in the subject matter. They will be accorded primacy of place and each given a chance to comment on the talk and ask a related question (30 seconds to a minute).
The dialogue between the Key Note Speaker and Key Note Listeners will last approximately 30 minutes. At the conclusion of the one hour event the Institute’s Director will draw the meeting to a close and thank all of the participants.
While the event will start precisely at 6:00 PM to honor the time of the on-line viewers, the invited speaker and listeners will be invited to arrive at Highland City Club close to 5:00 PM for some refreshments and a preliminary chat. All participants will be invited to take their places at 5:45 PM to allow for a sound check.