The Institute strives to bring forth inspired visions for the post pandemic world and deliver actionable knowledge for applications at national and global levels underscoring two themes:

What is the Institute about?  Focusing on the post pandemic world, the Institute will deliver actionable knowledge for applications at the local and global level under two themes:


1.    National: Promotion of liberty and justice for all:

  • Just and sustainable economic growth; conscious capitalism.

  • Inclusion of the otherwise disenfranchised.

  • Broader and stronger democracy.


2.    Global: Reinforcement of international connections:

  • Enhanced responses to future global crises.

  • Attributes and successful policy initiatives of female leaders.

  • Focused advocacy and actions to address climate change and environmental degradation.

  • Acceleration in the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDG’s).

  • Reinvigoration of global and regional institutions along with related agreements and treaties.


The Institute will invite thought leaders, change-makers, and wisdom holders to share their visions and suggested actions, not merely as prognosticators, but as active participants to effect the necessary changes during this extraordinary inflection point in human history. Their visions are not meant to be predictions, but rather higher, futuristic snapshots of what is both desirable and possible.

Workshops will feature lead visionaries, targeted “Keynote Listeners,” and other participants who would contribute to and benefit from the shared vision. The proceedings will be webcast and recorded with availability through the Institute’s website and other appropriate online media channels. 

Speakers will be drawn from government,  private sector, academia, entertainment, and the higher consciousness community. They will be recognized and respected figures, distinguished by their desire to influence and shape the post pandemic world.  Each will prepare in advance a short position paper capturing their vision and plan of action. Their respective presentations, including their vision and actions, will then be made available on social, print, and broadcast media with specific targeting of key change makers.

Summary: Highland Institute serves as a container for genius, vision, and inspired action to shape a more evolved post pandemic world.

Crisis and opportunity are often the two sides of the same coin. Behold the crisis. Behold the work of the Institute as an opportunity.