Highland | City Club

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What Drives Us

As a community, Chef Maria’s delicious food nurtures our Reptilian brain; our connection with each other and the sense of community it creates feeds our Mammalian brian; and our diverse and interesting topics of discussion satisfies our Neocortex. 

A year ago we started a new section in this Newsletter titled “What we are reading and talking about.” Steve Smith’s Monday Member lunches; Kevin Townley’s Western Mysticism topics; Bud Wonsiewicz Poetry reading and science talks, always provide something for us to learn, and an opposing opinion to take in and digest.

We want to bring this section to your attention so we as a community can read the same article and develop a common language to talk to each other. No better time to start this tradition than this week by reading 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2018. 

We all know people with good fortunes who are suffering because they are fixated on all that is wrong in the world. Whatever we focus on, grows. By shifting our focus to what is working, we can enjoy our own lives and be a beacon of light and optimism to others. Below is an article worth reading, and meditating on.

– Sina.