Highland | City Club

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An Upsidedown World

The power of traditions and rituals like holidays or church attendance lies less with the substance than in the practice itself. Repetition, whether it be exercise or meditation, is the key to strengthening character. March 21 is Spring Equinox, Persian New Year, City Club’s 17th anniversary, and a great occasion to celebrate life.

Adopting an attitude of gratitude for having survived another cold winter, market upheavals, a major pandemic, and the threat of a global war, once again it is time to remember Joseph Campbell’s lesson that each of us is a hero in our respective life journeys.

As such, to celebrate the arrival of Spring, and renew our commitment to living life as a hero, on Friday, March 18th, City Club is hosting a social party for our members, and one guest. Please plan to join us for this festive event with the theme of ‘The Roaring Twenty Twenties.

Then, on Monday and Tuesday, March 21 & 22, we plan to show one of my all-time favorite art movies about the life and teachings of Joseph Campbell called Finding Joe. Made on a shoestring budget, communally watching this inspiring movie on a large screen is akin to a spiritual cleanse in anticipation of the start of Spring, and a new chapter in life.

The existential angst of being mortal can crush one’s spirit. Mr. Campbell’s advice is to “live life like an Irishman,” and then proceeds to tell a story of an Irishman walking out of a bar to see an ensuing fight, asking “gents, is this a private fight or can anyone engage?!”

Life is a struggle, but instead of avoiding it, we must engage in it. Or, as Theodore Roosevelt said, let us not live like the critic on the sidelines of life, because, in life “credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again.”

Join us for this upcoming party, and plan to watch Finding Joe to get in touch with your inner hero. I recommend that you keep your afternoon schedule light in case you want to think and reflect after watching the movie. Both events are Free (except for lunch during the movie), so if you'd like to attend please RSVP for either the Party or the Movie, or both.

Please participate and help prepare our community to launch its post-pandemic chapter.

— Sina.

This Newsletter includes items reflecting the personal opinions of their respective authors. This forum is dedicated to the free exchange of ideas and welcomes alternative perspectives submitted in good faith. Neither the original submissions nor any counter-points represent the position of either City Club or Highland Institute. We invite you to engage in these discussions.