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A Different Angle

City Club strives to birth Highland Institute for the Advancement of Humanity; our Weekly Newsletter’s brief introductions seek to pave the way by introducing relevant topics and asking hard questions that could lead the way to manifesting the institute we envision.  

On a recent raft trip down the Colorado River, my good friend and City Club member Parker Johnson commented that our Newsletter topics and the articles we post are starting to lean to the right of center.  With time on our hands, we had a lot of discussions as to how we should go about correcting this tendency, and decided since the pendulum is rarely at equilibrium, and since nothing is fair, and the center is always shifting, the best strategy for delivering “Fair & Balanced” opinions is to offer two opposing ones, allowing our members to decide for themselves.  

Steve Smith’s topic for this week’s discussion, and the related Lance Morrow article represent one view. So we asked Parker to provide us Another Angle, and invite you to do the same in the future. Think of this new section as a digital soap box; a new venue for City Club members to weigh-in.

Please accept this invitation to share your opinions with our community subject to the following conditions: City Club is a Securus Locus, so educate; don’t preach.  All letters should be under 300 words. Suggest accompanying pictures. City Club reserves the right to edit or refuse to print anything it deems inappropriate or irrelevant. 

Please help us expand the scope of our discussions by telling us what you are thinking about.