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A Modern Day Crusade

Regardless of what one thinks of Elon Musk personally, he is the richest man in the world and one of today’s most creative and influential people. So, let us discuss his recent comment that England may be on the verge of a civil war.

On July 29, the 17-year-old son of a Rwandan migrant family named Axel Rudakubana murdered three girls, ages 6, 7, and 9, at a Taylor Swift–themed dance class in Southport, a city near Liverpool, critically injuring many others. The murders triggered protests and riots by Britons who have had quite enough of immigration and Islam.

Although Axil is neither Muslim nor an immigrant, none of that mattered to the thugs who attacked the local mosque based on this false rumor. In towns across the UK, right-wing mobs gathered to harass immigrant centers, attack mosques, and burn police cars. These mobs, in turn, created counter-mobs of young Muslim men wielding hammers and knives, spoiling for a fight.

I posit that the origin of this fight goes back 1400 years to the very start of Islam with its injunction that all Muslims embrace Jihad as a way of life to spread Islam throughout the world by any means.

Muslims first attacked Jerusalem in 638 AD and conquered it after a year-long siege. That would be 461 years before the first Crusade returned Jerusalem to Christian hands in 1099 AD.

The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims primarily aimed at securing control of holy sites considered sacred by each group. Eight major Christian Crusade expeditions, varying in size, strength, and degree of success, occurred between 1096 AD and 1291 AD. In Turn, hundreds of Islamic crusades spread Islam to the edge of Europe, to Spain and Morocco.

The Islamic crusades, having failed to outright conquer Europe by force, are now pursued in the form of legal immigration by taking advantage of Europe’s low native birth rate and its need for cheap labor to power their industrial production.

This incursion uses Democracy as a backdoor crusade. That is, rather than assimilating into the host culture,  the Muslim population, upon reaching a ~6% ratio, demands the adoption of Sharia Law and their way of life.

The current political unrest in England, France, Germany, and Italy really amounts to the locals' recognition of this reality and their decision to fight back.

— Sina.