Highland | City Club

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Watch Your Language

Does the homeless man in this picture love or hate America? Are you a 1619-American or a 1776-American? Do you think America is a racist country or the land of the free? Is the new cancel-culture’s fear of speech protecting or restricting our freedom of speech? Do you lean to the left or to the right of the political center?

What ails America today is not going to be cured by holding another election. In fact, as long as we continue to use 1984-Newspeak by calling looters protesters; designating our national monuments symbols of racism needing to be removed; and calling the mostly poor, black and latino victims of looting and arson the beneficiaries of white privilege, we will continue to slide down the slippery slope we are on.

Words have power. Let’s be careful how we use them, especially during these troubling times of lockdowns and soul-crushing exercise in economic suicide.

— Sina