Highland | City Club

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Climate Change Induced Infernos: A Call To Action

All politics is local.

Charity starts at home.

Don’t get mad; get even, through your engagement.

Global warming is real, is here, and is hugely disruptive. We just saw a devastating thousand-year flood in Belgium and Germany.  The Chinese are drowning in pollution, but China keeps adding one coal-burning power plant per week. Siberia’s current 190 wildfires are bigger than all the world’s other blazes combined, and the resulting pollution will soon affect Alaska. Last week, our own Colorado air was so toxic, it was hard to go outside, yet depressing to remain indoors.

The feeling of helplessness, anger, and victimization helps no one or solves anything. Personal action, however, regardless of its immediate effectiveness, is the key to empowerment. It makes us feel involved, in charge, and a player.

After months of planning and preparation, we are honored to host Congressman Joe Neguse to speak to us about Climate Change Induced Infernos: A Call To Action. This online-only live broadcast event will take place from 6 pm to 7 pm next Tuesday, August 31st, 2021.

Congressman Neguse is smart, hard-working and a keen listener, especially to the younger contingent. He is deeply engaged in the national and local response to climate change, Chairs the Natural Resources Sub-Committee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands, and frequently has his ear to the ground in Colorado, when it comes to engaging with firefighters and citizens affected by forest fires. An optimist by nature, his call to action will be characterized by practical steps to solutions for the unprecedented situation we face, as the climate affects these looming infernos.

Congressman Neguse will be joined by five distinguished Keynote Listeners, and six local firefighters, often risking their lives to fight fires, as we begin our dialogue on the future course of action regarding better management of our forests and the optimal way to fight wildfires that threaten them.

Please RSVP to receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to tune into the livestream on August 31st at 6:00 PM.

— Sina.