Highland | City Club

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A Securus Locus

In 2003, when we first started to plan and envision building a “community," we had no idea what we were doing, but backed with an MBA in Organizational Behavior, I was certain the cornerstone of this community had to be a Securus Locus, or a Safe Place our members could relax and feel comfortable in.

Today we get a lot of compliments about Highland, its gardens, food, wine, art and people, but the most common thing we hear is “I feel good when I am at Highland.”

Since we believe there are no accidents, we posit that our members feel good at Highland because they feel safe here, and what allows them to feel safe are a few clear rules we live by, like being nice, polite, compassionate and generous. We ask our members to give more than they take; listen more than they talk. In fact, we are old fashion enough to ask our members to mind their manners.

With the introduction of cell phones, WiFi and cloud computing, the decline in the manners of Americans has reached "a crises stage." To be a better City Club member, please take the time to read this week’s article by Peggy Noonan titled “Mind Your Manners, Says Edith Wharton.”