Highland | City Club

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A Securus Locus

A Securus Locus In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, right after food and shelter, we seek security, even before sex, knowing we must survive in order to thrive.

City Club strives to create a Securus Locus, a safe place, where we trust the quality of the food we eat, the cleanliness of the physical space we occupy, and feel safe to express our opinions without fear of being judged.

While science tells us ~11% of the population is gay or lesbian, until a few decades ago this population stayed in the closet due to the fear of being judged as different. Similarly, in today’s America, while 49% of the population identifies and/or votes conservative, few are willing to publicly identify as such, other than in the sanctuary of a private voting booth.

Other than your crazy uncle with a gun collection waxing conservative at the family gatherings, or the extreme right conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, who are the conservatives amongst us who rather mind their own business than engage with us in an intelligent conversation? If every coin has two sides and every stick two ends, who are the members who vote for Reagan, Bush and Trump?

Since I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal, I have the good fortune to have intimate conversations with many of our members about their political standing. This week, we feature the bio and an opinion piece by member Craig Jones, a highly educated and successful self-identified conservative. We are also publishing a great article by Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana from 2008 to 2016 and a candidate for the 2016 presidential nomination.

Please take the time to read Craig’s bio and opinion under AnotherAngle, and consider contributing yours so our members may have the opportunity to get to know you better.

— Sina.