Highland | City Club

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Love Is All You Need

A few years back, the biggest negative feedback we heard about City Club was that we had so few young members. Now that we have many great young members, the question is: how can we get our older members to mentor the younger ones.

Trying to get elder members to mentor younger members is like pushing on a string. The only effective way to mentor is by pulling, not pushing; by setting an example, not by talking.

City Club member Marty Kaegel is a perfect example of "watch what I do, not what I say.” At 82-years young, Marty sports wild streaks of red in her pure white hair, and constantly fans the fires in her vibrant personality by learning and staying current. After a whirlwind of recent international travels (see featured member below), Marty showed up this week with a smile on her face and two carats of diamonds on her finger, simply announcing, “Love is eternal.”

I personally took this picture of Marty to remind myself of the feeling I had when Marty gave me the news, showed me the ring on her finger and told me a bit about the lucky guy who will have the privilege of her company. Since joining the club in 2014, Marty has been a mentor, and at times a tireless personal social director to me, letting me know who is playing where; which speaker is worth hearing, and what’s happening on the weekend. 

Who says older City Club members don’t mentor the younger ones?! I am learning all the time, and hope you are too.

– Sina