Highland | City Club

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A Might Oak has Fallen

It is my sad duty to inform you that our Brother, RWB Kevin Townley, City Club member and Scholar in Residence, the Grand Lecturer and Secretary of the Colorado Masonic Lodges, passed away at 4.26 am on Saturday, May 25th, 2024. Kevin suffered another heart attack yesterday and drove himself to the St. Anthony Hospital in Denver, where he died a short while later.

Kevin was a scholar, author, teacher, and student of Western Mysteries and Ageless Wisdom for over 50 years. He began his studies in a Carmelite Seminary at the age of thirteen. He completed his decades-long curriculum in Western Mysteries, which included Masonry, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Qabalah, Sufism, Buddhism, Esoteric Christianity, Tarot, Tree of Life, Alchemy, and Astrology.

Kevin Townley introduced me to FreeMasonry, initiated me into the Masonic Lodge, and acted as my teacher, mentor, and advisor whenever I needed help or guidance. Acting as a friend and an intellectual pillar of Highland City Club, Kevin helped lay the intellectual foundation of Highland Institute for the Advancement of Humanity.

City Club members fortunate enough to attend Kevin’s monthly talks in the Library enjoyed and benefited from his wit, humor, and vast knowledge of Western Mysteries. Kevin’s passing to the other realm is a huge loss to humanity in general and to City Club in particular.

I am honored to have known Kevin and privileged to have called him a friend. City Club will celebrate Kevin’s life as soon as his family and students can gather in Colorado.

May his soul rest in peace, and his good deeds flourish.

— Sina.