With Nothing To Say
He Crams The Most Words Into
Smallest Idea
The above is a very amateur personal attempt at Senryu, the Japanese poetic form similar to the more-familiar Haiku with the 5/7/5 syllabic form but without the Nature orientation. It’s meant to be satirical, cheeky and rely on the reader’s imagination for meaning. Does that example not describe those insufferable talking heads and what sometimes passes for discourse? Even this attempted clarification detracts from an essence.
Our discussion article (click: A Lot With A Little), however, goes beyond poetry and writing to address enhancement through brevity as applied to many genres. In fact, the very term “less is more” was originally popularized by a minimalist architect and later transformed by advertisers into a platitude (see, Less Is More). Let us, however, explore this three-line unrhymed Japanese form in the spirit of its original lively, darkly humorous, and sometimes vulgar sense to gather some glimpse of man’s nature e.g…
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