The Deplorables


If current trends hold, Donald Trump will be the newly elected president of the United States in November. I am not saying this is good or bad news, but a potential outcome unless something changes, and fast.

Facing seventeen Republican candidates tearing each other apart, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 race was hers to lose, which she did by calling half the voters gun-carrying, Bible-thumping “deplorables.”

The most recent election polls place Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden by a comfortable margin. Yet, Democrats are whistling past the graveyard, confident that come November, common sense will prevail, and voters will be so afraid of Donald Trump and his unwashed supporters, those redneck Walmart shoppers with missing teeth—our modern-day Les Misérables —that they will re-elect Joe Biden.

The upcoming presidential election’s main political battle line has been drawn between hard-working citizens wanting a fair shake (The Normies) and the intellectual ruling class, including our universities, the press, and many corporate chieftains.

A blue-collar worker in America may be a truck driver, plumber, electrician, welder, or working in a slaughterhouse or a meat packing plant. Such folks did not attend college, mostly because they could not afford it. They now see President Biden forgiving other students’ Federally Guaranteed loans and sticking them with the bill.

Then there is the hypocrisy of labeling the January 6th event an insurrection, which it was, while failing to take ownership of the Black Lives Matter street riots and lootings, labeling them as peaceful protests.

The rich survive and thrive in inflationary periods because they have appreciating assets. Meanwhile, the poor fall further behind and struggle to pay for necessities like food and shelter, as inflation is essentially a regressive tax on the poor.

While any of these injustices seen in isolation might be considered par for the course, the pitchforks come out when the cumulative effect reaches critical mass. Beware, since this time, Donald Trump might peacefully lead these disgruntled “deplorables” to the ballot box instead of violently leading them to Capitol Hill.

As a conservative friend told me, Trump may be a crook and guilty of all the things the Democrats accuse him of, but he is our crook, and maybe that’s what it takes to deal with the crooks currently in power – you know, the folks who told us inflation is transitory, vaccines are safe, the borders are secure, and the national debt is not an issue since it is dollar-denominated.

— Sina.