A Progress Report


The past 18 months have certainly been “interesting times” in the world, and at Highland.

No one needs a reminder about the negative effects of the Pandemic, which has resulted in social isolation, supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and price inflation. Highland, of course, was not spared the effects, from the radical change in the way we serve food to the fundamental changes in the way our members live and work. These rapid changes forced us to question the way we go about doing things, and to readjust the roadmap for our future.

On the positive side, we were fortunate to have had the financial resources to not only weather this terrible storm, but to complete multiple major construction projects on the way to transitioning Highland from a luxury office into a private social and business club. We were also fortunate to retain a sufficient number of tenants, members and employees to allow us to focus on the growth of both our management team and our membership.

In light of the above, I am pleased to announce what we consider a giant leap forward, which is the hiring of David Stutz as our new Food & Beverage Manager. David is a professional with nearly 30 years of hands-on experience. For the past decade, David was the Director of Banquets at the St. Julien Hotel for 7 years, after which he was promoted to be the General manager of its affiliate, the Source Hotel in Denver.

Hiring David to join our team is a major step towards advancing and expanding our services and programs, similar to the way chef Maria Cooper, and now chef Tyler Crawford, have helped put City Club’s cuisine on the map. 

David is tasked with the goal of further refining and advancing our lunch program, expanding our Friday Happy Hour tradition as a daily after-work event, and launching our breakfast program after we add more members to make this idea an economically feasible project, all with the aim of making our Food & Beverage service a major feature of our club. 

Please see the featured member section to read David’s Personal Bio, and plan to welcome him on board after he starts work on Tuesday (the 24th). Better yet, see him in action at his first Happy Hour (click to rsvp) on the following Friday the 27th.

— Sina.

Sina SimantobComment