A Helpless Giant, Led By Buffoons


Saigon 1975; Tehran 1979; Kabul 2021; Taiwan….

In July of 64 A.D., a great fire ravaged Rome for six days, destroying 70% of the city and leaving half its population homeless. Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned,” forever acting as a poster child for all incompetent leaders in times of crisis.

The American Exceptionalism, gained by and paid for with much blood and treasure, is once again at great risk. At a time of great need for unity and Socratic discussions, our political, corporate and university leaders promote “Cancel Culture,” and “Critical Race Theory.” While Anarchists start deadly riots in our streets, some advocate defunding our police. While our economy struggles with inflation and labor shortages, our Government pays people not to work, continuing to pump Trillions of dollars into our economy, hoping to put out inflationary fires by throwing more money at it.

One would think the humiliation of watching American helicopters flail wildly from our embassy roof in Saigon, and the tragedy of 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days in Tehran, would have compelled our political and military leaders to better prepare for the evacuation of all Americans, our many Afghani allies, and billions of dollars of equipment before our pre-announced September exit. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

After wasting 20 years, over $2 Trillion Dollars, and losing thousands of American lives, 13 of them recently, it was time for America to leave Afghanistan so we could focus on other international priorities like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. The lack of preparation, abundance of confusion, and abandonment of strategic assets in Afghanistan is another stain on our colorful history.

If we don’t stand up for something, we fall for anything. A Superpower can not maintain its status as such without the willingness and ability to stand its ground to defeat its enemies, and protect its allies.

Democracy is not a spectator sport, so we better get involved before it is too late. In fact, if we do not get our act together, and soon, China will march into Taiwan, like they did in Hong Kong, marking the end of America as we know it, and/or the start of WWIII.

— Sina.

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