Highland | City Club

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The American Civil War, and the two World Wars taught us there is no prospect for peace and reconciliation until the enemy unconditionally surrenders.

In the arduous path of life, if we are lucky, we eventually realize we have met the enemy, and the enemy is us. In that case, who do we surrender to so we can experience peace? How do we own and then integrate our own shadow?

Islam literally means surrender. Every religion and spiritual path tells us control is an illusion. We will find peace when we find a force, an idea or a cause greater than ourselves to surrender to, or when we find a guide, mentor, or guru we can trust.

A sail needs a centerboard to transfer the power of the wind it catches to propel the ship forward. A kite needs to trust the anchor on the ground to maintain the tension of the string so it can float freely.  At a time in history when the very fabric of our society seems threadbare, a virus rules and politics dominate, whom or what cause do we trust to surrender to?

Let us strive to see surrender, done well, as a path to freedom, not bondage.

— Sina.