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Emperor Maximinus Xi

Our upcoming November elections will probably be a cliffhanger, with election deniers possibly delaying the final results through year-end. But if you think America is in bad shape, you should see what’s happening across the pond in England, or what just happened in China where President-for-life Xi Jinping, better known as the “Chairman of Everything,” got re-elected to a third five-year term by a vote of 2,296 to 0. Then, for good measure, just to make sure nobody missed who was in charge, he watched former President Hu Jintao forcefully removed and publicly humiliated to make it clear who was the Alpha.

Using anti-corruption as a blunt instrument similar to the way Joseph McCarthy accused his opponents of being communists, Xi has moved the Chinese Communist Party and its 96 million members “to the Leninist left, the economy to the Marxist left, and China’s foreign and security policy to the nationalist right.” 

This witch’s brew will not make China the great nation Xi envisions. Add to this mix China’s disastrous zero-covid policy resulting in 19% urban youth unemployment, its disintegrating real estate sector, and a desperate attempt to project the power of the State over the private sector, and one can see why real trouble is brewing ahead.

From the Roman Emperor Maximinus before him to his “Best Friend” Vladimir Putin of Russia, and every dictator in between, Xi publicly exudes confidence while privately running scared, knowing full well that China’s economy and its growth rate are faltering, its population is aging, and its workforce is shrinking. Imagine China’s 2050 population at half of what it is today thanks to their recent one-child policy!

Desperate men do stupid things. Think of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as Exhibit A. At this time, China’s military strength is no match to America’s military forces. To prevent Xi from making a stupid mistake in the future by attacking Taiwan, America must continue to finance Ukraine’s war with the aim of defeating Russia and support the brewing revolution in Iran, leading to the downfall of the Islamic Regime, in order to send a strong signal that the sleeping American giant is awakening.

— Sina.