Dave Chappelle


Humans strive for unity in a universe that is built on dualities. 

We are divided as men and women, rich and poor, liberal and conservative. Some date America’s founding to 1776, others to 1619; a few are woke, many are not.

Division has been built into America’s fabric since the time of Jefferson and Hamilton, though its intensity varies over time, from truly divided during the Civil War, to generally united after Pearl Harbor. At times, certain events like foreign geopolitical wars and domestic political assassinations, or topics like abortion and race relations, further widen the divide.

What’s great about America is its ability to produce leaders who can define, articulate, educate and guide us through these transitions. Think Abraham Lincoln. Think Bob Dylan. Are we pro- or anti-slavery, for or against abortion? In short, our right to express is more important than the specifics of what we are expressing -- so  let the sunshine through the cracks that divide us.

Enter “comedian” Dave Chappelle who is black, cool, funny, deep, articulate and unafraid to go where no others have gone since Lenny Bruce, and we know what happened to him!

Netflix, having replaced Hollywood as the Northstar of American culture, reports that Dave’s show, The Closer is the biggest thing they have seen, measured by number of eyeballs and dollars. While their CEO apologized for the way he communicated the message, he continues to support and stand behind Dave and his right to say it.

While a few Netflix employees and some self-declared Woke are radically clear in their desire to suppress others’ beliefs, Dave unflinchingly boils down his essence in this one hour final show.  Curious Americans everywhere  should watch, not in judgment of his message, but in celebration of his mastery of delivery and the fact that only America can air a show like Dave Chapelle.

When a country is in a state of dis-equilibrium such as ours, before the pendulum swings back to a new equilibrium state, there is a pregnant pause evolutionaries call a “punctuated equilibrium.” I believe our country is at such a point, and Dave Chappelle is the man to do it.

— Sina.

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