Precarious Times
“There can be no peace until they abandon their Frog gods and accept our Mice gods”
The Battle of the Frogs and the Mice. A Homeric Tale by George Martin
Throughout history, religion has been the leading cause of war, regardless of whether its underlying causes were economic, social, or thirst for power. Throughout history, the hatred for Jews, antisemitism, or what is now called anti-Zionism, has been the leading indicator of when the next war is coming.
From Philadelphia to Milburn, from Los Angeles and New York to major European capitals, from our Ivy League schools to Gaza, antisemitism is on the rise because, once again, we are experiencing a clash of civilizations, and the easy culprit for this trouble is the Jew, since they killed Christ and control banking, finance, newspapers, culture, and philanthropy.
At the global level, China, Russia, and Iran are at war with America, Europe, and Israel. Soon, Japan, India, and Australia will be forced to take sides. So far, these are proxy, trade, currency, technology, and space wars.
Internally, the right wing of the Republican Party is home to violence and depravity exercised by KKK, Proud Boys, Nazis, Oath Keepers, and the like. Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States made one think of the Right as responsible for all this atrocity. Hence, minorities, immigrants, blacks, the disenfranchised, and the Jews have traditionally found safety and hope on the Left, represented by Democrats.
Today, the far left wing of the Democratic Party is as scary as the Republican’s far right. The moral depravity of the Left started to come into focus in the recent street race riots, the Black Lives Matter movement, defunding the police, legalizing drugs, live birth abortion, and making petty theft inconsequential. The Left now judges a person more by the sex and color of one’s skin than personality and the content of one’s heart.
But the Left’s freak flags did not start flying in earnest until immediately after Hamas's brutal October 7th attack on Israel, where students in Ivy League colleges, the media, politicians, and the anarchists started marching on the streets like a mob, exhaling venom such as, “Gas the Jews, Hitler was right, we want Infatada, we want revolution.” Welcome to Kristalnacht 2.0.
Here are my predictions. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Internationally, we will be provoked to attack Iran, like we were provoked to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, like Hamas provoked Israel on October 7th, because, at its core, a true Muslim is a Jihadist. Internally, Jews, blacks, and Hispanics will leave the Democratic party, suspended in the purgatory that exists between the shadow sides of the political Right and Left.
We live in precarious times.
— Sina.