
“By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher,” advised Socrates, with a line of thinking that perhaps offers some insight into a troubling issue with the philosophical tradition itself. Mary Midgley pointed this out as she cited the fundamental problem of philosophy is that it has largely been shaped by bachelors who have had no experience living with women or children (click: So Many Unmarried Men).

She submitted her hypothesis some sixty years ago to the BBC for a radio broadcast called “Rings and Books” but this Oxford-educated philosopher was rebuffed and the show never aired on the grounds that it was a trivial, irrelevant intrusion of domestic matters into intellectual life. Oh, the irony. The rationale for that dismissal illustrated her underlying point.

Philosophy at the time, you see, had been dominated by the likes of Descartes who questioned the existence of his friends, family, and everything external, concluding that his only certainty was “I am thinking.” Therefore I am (yes, a thinking machine)…

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Steve SmithComment
Back To The Land

I can still picture those six magnificent Rhode Island Reds, raised in my youth from hatchlings in the yard of the semi-rural home on the edge of suburbia – how those hens would lay blue eggs on account of eating too much fruit from the nearby mulberry bush. Such a contented clutch they were, sired by that one leghorn rooster. There they were, always scratching and pecking the ground while strutting about in that familiar fuddy-duddy way.

I can also see the bloody aftermath when a loose dog broke into their pen and summarily terminated that entire clucking/crowing community of seven. Life on the Serengeti.

That childhood memory came back in a flash after reading the focus piece by a one-time Brooklyn urbanite who followed her dream about going back to the land (Dreaming About Going Back To The Land? I did It). Her account opens the window to a world largely lost to those (of us) whose only contact with a farm is perhaps that annual visit to the pumpkin patch…

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Steve SmithComment
Classical Music

Looking back on some of those formative years, I recall being asked about my taste in classical music to which I answered that I’d just enjoyed listening to The Four Seasons. “Yes, but – ahem – Vivaldi was Baroque, not classical.” That was the point at which music appreciation first came across like the subject of wine i.e. the object of a certain snob appeal for those who ape and fawn and aspire to a gentility not native to them and sniff and sneer at those who don’t share their pretensions.

One of the beauties of these nothing-left-to-prove autumn years of life is the chance to relax and fill in some gaps left over from all those emergency years of career and family. And so it is with Western classical music today where we are told younger and younger virtuosos are emerging with more people under thirty-five regularly listening to orchestral music compared to their parents’ generation. We are gathered here to honor classical music’s relevance even as performers and institutions face great financial pressures (click: Is Classical Music Relevant?).

So where does the wanna-be classical music autodidact turn? One might follow the suggestion in the focus piece and listen to what was labeled the best classical music film score of them all i.e. the orchestral piece from Howard Shore’s The Lord of the Rings movies. My mind wandered in that customary way as it powered through the entire three-hour-and-forty-minute score in one sitting (other than for a short Devo interlude), click: Lord Of the Rings Score). Perhaps a more disciplined approach was called for…

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Steve SmithComment
The Anti-Social Century

Social Gospel was the label given to an early 20th century social reform movement to foster communitarian values in American life. Even the smallest actions, it maintained, created norms, norms created values, values drive behavior, and behaviors cascade. Out of a multitude of union halls, community centers, and dining rooms came what Robert Putnam (“Bowling Alone”) viewed as a moral revolution that changed a nation’s culture.

High time, perhaps, for a New Social Gospel to address where we now find ourselves in this (click: The Anti-Social Century, also appearing elsewhere in the Weekly). Consider how we’ve devolved. The first half of the twentieth century was extraordinarily social, whether measured in terms of church membership, marriage rates, union participation, branch-library visits. Compare that to an America today sometimes characterized as populated by home-bound, phone-tethered, get-off-of-my-lawn secular monks.

Let us gather together, indeed commune, to discuss whether such self-imposed solitude is indeed the most important social fact of the 21rst century. Perhaps the phenomenon goes far deeper than the oft-cited effect of our car-enabled suburbs and passive embrace of television. Don’t look now but maybe our screen-o-centric lives have been hardwired into our very souls…

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Steve SmithComment
Holding On

A genealogy search revealed a paternal line that ran through a Michael Peterman, immigrating to Philadelphia from Rotterdam in 1751 along with 486 other passengers aboard the ship Osgood in a horrific voyage including numerous deaths, then joining the 3rd Battalion of York in 1776 and deeded 150 acres, a plot later known as “Lovely Springs” located adjacent to a prisoner-of-war camp for British troops, which he farmed, and then signing his will in 1784 bestowing his widow Anna Maria a third of his estate unless she remarried (which she did), in which case she would receive only “a cow, a chest, a bed, and some pots and pans.”

Brutal times indeed. Family history, though, like old pots and pans, then generally fade into the mists of time. But sometimes events conspire to beckon one out of that contemporary stupor to remind us that we were not simply placed here as whole cloth – that each of us is a miracle of luck, often a product of great sacrifice and hardship, the net of innumerable contingent outcomes.

Sometimes circumstances force us to make a literal split-second decision about whether to retain tangible items that represent various life markers…

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Steve SmithComment

Luigi Mangione’s assassination of UnitedHealthcare insurance CEO Brian Thompson somehow brought to mind the Aztec ritual sacrifice in which the victim’s still-beating heart is ripped from his chest to be offered as an appeasement to the sun god.

Nothing personal. Mangione apparently neither knew his victim personally nor even had any interaction with the company he’d led. The sacrificial temple was that Manhattan doorstep to an investment conference. The act, we are led to believe, was fueled by blind revenge, for what is not entirely clear.

More telling and troublesome, though, was the public reaction to the hit. A study from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) revealed an alarming surge in anti-civil activity following the Thompson assassination (click: Hashtags and Hit Lists: Social Media's Role in Justifying Violence). Social media, of course, was the first tell, with all the fancam edits and viral videos that glorified Mangione as an anti-establishment icon.

The transition of violent rhetoric from online spaces to real-world actions, however, was the most troubling revelation of the NCRI study (Killing with Applause: Emergent Permission Structure for Murder in the Digital Age) as it cited real-world behaviors among those gathered to celebrate and parody the assassination, glorifying a so-called permission structures that could inspire others to perceive violence as a legitimate form of activism…

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Steve SmithComment
The Conversation Project

Culture is but one generation deep. The Conversation Project heralds the way each life story may become part of the intergenerational connective tissue.

Each conversation, however, starts at the most basic individual level by assisting participants in defining their desired end-of-life care no matter how distant that might be seen from their current life stage, whether measured in terms of days, months, or decades.

Where does one even start? Some sort of go-it-alone reflection may be tempting but prove ultimately daunting without a structured approach. Our session opens the way to identify those resources that have proved so helpful to the many others who have traveled down the same path.

Joining us at our session will be Becki Parr, the project coordinator of The Conversation Project in Boulder County (TCPBC), a program of TRU Community Center, and Jean Abbott, a retired physician who practiced and taught emergency medicine for 48 years and helped start TCPBC eleven years ago. Becki and Jean will introduce the various free resources available to initiate that all-important conversation with spouses/partners, parents, children, grandchildren, close friends, and those others who might be involved in making decisions on one’s behalf. Consider this a gift to your loved ones who otherwise might be befuddled not knowing of your desires in your now-lucid state…

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Steve SmithComment
Obsessive Love

Our focus article is but a basic primer to a phenomenon one may have experienced directly or witnessed on the periphery as collateral damage (click: I Hate That I Love You).

Obsessive love was the subject of an expanded book club discussion we had years ago featuring an extraordinary article (National Geographic, February 2006 cover story, Love – The Chemical Reaction), describing more fully the biochemical foundation of this powerful yet mysterious force, together with two animating novels, The Great Gatsby and Lolita (no need to (again) read those three cited works for purposes of this discussion).

Referencing the National geographic article, "love is a chemical reaction" primarily driven by brain chemicals like dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and oxytocin, which create feelings of pleasure, excitement, and bonding when we are attracted to someone, similar to that of one suffering an obsessive-compulsive disorder, giving special meaning to "madly in love." As a relationship develops, the oxytocin plays a greater role in fostering long-term commitment and security…

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Steve SmithComment
Portals to Spirituality

In the face of a question about belief in God, one possible answer, while not trying to make the response sound too cute or cynical, might boil down to “Well first define God . . . . ” followed by “. . . . yes, no, or need more specificity.”

In any event, the whole matter is likely to then be filed away for consideration later, labeled as important but not urgent, even as Pascal’s Wager looms in the background i.e. if God exists and you believe, you gain eternal happiness in heaven; if God exists and you don’t believe, you risk infinite loss like eternal separation from God or hell; if God doesn’t exist, you’ve gained or lost little.

Now in these autumn years with the arrival of Later and Urgent knocking at the door, what’s sometimes heard is a different sort of hedge with the declaration that while one, perhaps not particularly religious, is deeply spiritual.

What does that even mean as we discuss the role that spiritual actually plays in the rational age in our focus article (click: The Spiritual Is Not Weird) i.e. “The spiritual is not weird because it is completely familiar (emphasis added). We become acutely aware of this dimension of reality when struck by a piece of music, moved by a great piece of art, overcome with a love for someone, engrossed in a work of literature, or witnessing profoundly heroic or altruistic action.”…

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Steve SmithComment
Divine Discontent

Calling on all you Highland members in pursuit of that elusive quality called excellence in your chosen field – whether it be music, painting, architecture, writing, sculpture, film making, photography, visual or performance art – to ask whether you identify with a trait cited in the focus article (click: Divine Discontent):

The most fulfilled people I know tend to have two traits. They’re insatiably curious – about new ideas, experiences, information and people. And they seem to exist in a state of perpetual, self-inflicted unhappiness.

Please share your perspective on whether your own unambiguous pursuit of excellence means that you fling yourself into those pursuits destined to make you unhappy – gloriously and sublimely unhappy. Steady as you go, dogged determination is the key. Discipline, aspiration, and revision. Never give in, never, never, never, never, never. It’s what makes life meaningful…

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Steve SmithComment
Navigating Chaos

The focus article (click: The Forces Of Chance) recounts an example of that capricious, unknowable, yet all-powerful force known as chance – the way a casual tourist visit to Kyoto led to the eventual sparing of that city from its incineration almost twenty years later in August 1945, or the way a momentary cloud clearing led to the destruction of Nagasaki a few days later (sparing “lucky Kokura”). As Melville wrote, “chance . . . has the last featuring blow at events.”

There seems to be an ongoing hubristic notion of man’s ability to tame, even domesticate, this world of contingency and probability. Perhaps impossible, it is submitted, in that we produce too many models that are often wrong and rarely useful. When we try to explain our social world, we foolishly ignore the flukes. Confidence in a predictable future “is the province of charlatans and fools.”

We’d last discussed man’s reach for probabilistic certainty in our MM 11/20/23 Free Will discussion, with the surface appeal of causality, and thus god-like foresight, by simply knowing the positions, direction, and velocity of every particle in Newton’s deterministic universe. Whoops. Confidence in that so-called Laplace predictive model went out with the introduction of quantum mechanics which shifted our world from determinism to indeterminism (cue, again, the charlatan quote)…

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Steve SmithComment
Lucid Dreaming

We shall explore the boundaries of Securus Locus as we share personal examples, if any, of Lucid Dreaming – a dream state marked by an actual awareness of being in that dream and coupled, in some cases, with the ability to control the dream itself. A reported estimate of fifty percent of adults have experienced at least one such lucid dream and five percent do so once a month.

Our focus article Living In A Lucid Dream sets the stage, starting with a rather surreal account – but aren’t they all? – of her own lucid dream and then going on to some of the research in the way the brain “roars to life in the darkness.” The brain, you see, moves along the spectrum of consciousness with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex waking up after REM sleep.

But never mind all that as we, perhaps, relate our own experiences with the described dream condition where thoughts constitute reality and we become this free-floating hallucinating Id, unfettered by normal physical constraints within this world of no consequences. Welcome to an area – testing the boundary of poetry, myth, even sanity – that might itself be central to the creative process. You may have witnessed the power of the subconscious that time you went to bed thinking of an intractable problem only to find it to have largely been solved with some blinding insight the next morning…

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Steve SmithComment
Cave Politics

We’ll break from our normal MM moratorium on contemporary politics to discuss the national election through the lens of (click:) Plato's Cave and the Stubborn Persistence Of Ignorance. Ignorance. The session is meant not to change any minds at this late stage but as a way to reexamine and apply Plato's allegorical rendering from over twenty-four centuries ago. It might just as well have been yesterday.

The basic set-up:

The most memorable image of ignorance occurs in what is probably the most famous passage of all philosophy: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in “The Republic.” Recall the scenario: human beings dwelling in the darkness of an underground cavern, bound at the legs and neck so that they cannot move, even to turn their heads. They have no other memory of life, since they have been imprisoned in this way since childhood. Before them, they see only moving shadows that are cast by objects unknown to them, illuminated by a flickering fire that we are told lies somewhere behind them. They know nothing of this except the shadows and hear only echoes from the voices of their keepers, whom they have never seen. In such a benighted state, they pass their days.

Surely you jest. Of what possible relevance could some bizarre cartoon image of captive humans – chained prisoners, immobilized since birth, locked into straight-ahead stares at the front wall of some dark cavern illuminated only by a backlit fire casting shadows of unseen objects – have to do with anything . . . let alone to do with our divisive politics? Maybe everything. Plato ends the allegory with a chill, “They’re like us.”…

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Steve SmithComment
The Gilded Ultra-Rich

F. Scott Fitzgerald, who knew something about the subject of money, is reported to have commented to Ernest Hemingway, ”You know, the rich are different from you and me” to which Hemingway responded, “Yes, they have more money.” That’s it?

We are introduced to the characterization of four of the reported 2,781 ultra-rich (multi-billionaires) in Plutocrat Archipelagos to discuss whether the asserted psychological profile of those instinctively “retreating into their money” – doomed to a directionless spiral – comports with our own understanding of the breed. Fair comments or garden-variety envy?

My own limited up-close-and-personal experience came some forty years ago, courtesy of a banker’s invitation to join a ski holiday group in Verbier, Switzerland. Though the overall experience was quite enjoyable, I had the distinct feeling of being the “other” among those whose conversation was often peppered in ironic tones, clever innuendo, and hidden “tells,” as in oh, I see Linie (Linus Pauling’s grandson) went to town this morning for his job of checking on his bank account balance…

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Steve SmithComment
Killing Time

Killing time here means time is killing you. No, it’s not that we are ill-equipped with a short life, but rather it’s our wastefulness of time that makes it so. Seneca teaches us that life is long if you know how to use it (click: On The Shortness Of Life).

(His) memo from life’s final quarter: “How stupid to forget our mortality, and put off sensible plans to our fiftieth and sixtieth years, aiming to begin life from a point at which few have arrived.” Stupid? Easy for him to say, yet we “mortals” may have been preoccupied in those earlier years with our figurative survival while we thrash ourselves upstream to spawn.

Point well taken, however, when he observes everyone hustling their lives along, troubled by a longing for the future and weariness of the present. We’ve discussed before the extent to which our then-present earlier lives may have been hijacked by some other priority or distraction, captured by cartoonist Garry Trudeau’s (Doonesbury) lament about trying to develop a lifestyle that didn’t require his presence. One sighs reflecting on one’s twenties-self and what might have been missed in return for that career, that future…

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Steve SmithComment
Unsung Heroes

They are the modest ones. They work behind the scenes, in groups. They were the carrots in the third-grade play.

Democratic government isn’t really designed to highlight the individual achievement of unelected officials. In fact, the 2.2 million federal employees are seeking additional protection that would make it more difficult for a future administration to go after “the blob” by re-applying a former policy known as Schedule F.

What a perfect time, then, to highlight among their ranks an otherwise-invisible instance of doggedly-pursued heroism, courtesy of the private Partnership For Public Service described in our discussion piece (click: The Canary, by Michael Lewis). Do not be misled by the lack of rhetorical flourish describing the work of Christopher Mark: “Led the development of industry-wide standards and practices to prevent roof falls in underground mines, leading to the first year (2016) of no roof fall fatalities in the United States. A former coal miner.”

A former coal miner. One who happened to be the son of a Princeton professor (a story of its own i.e. an academic specializing in the use of photoelectric models to test the effects of physical on virtually any object), who then “lit out in the Territory” taking him to the intersection of (gothic) architecture and art, engineering, science, geology, and statistical analysis...

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Steve SmithComment
Eternal Damnation

Damn you Jonathan Edwards. Or, rather, may it be said we are the ones damned per that sermon for the ages by preacher Edwards on July 8,1741 (click: Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God). He would not finish it. The New England (Enfield, Connecticut) congregation, described as without particular readiness nor even polite attentiveness, was transformed until the crying and weeping became so overwhelming that Edwards was forced to discontinue the sermon and allow the pastors to join the people and pray with them.

I was not in attendance for that sermon but might just as well have been for this sixth grader bore witness to a graphic depiction of that very sermon prominently displayed in the back of Sunday school class. Every week, there it was, souls pictured as nothing but loathsome spiders literally hanging by a thread over the cauldron of hell, to be dropped but for the grace of God. And this, mind you, was Presbyterian-lite.

May we devote one hour of our busy lives to ponder . . . . . eternity . . . . that is, share in this Securus Locus forum the way our everyday thoughts, actions, and attitudes may be shaped, if at all, by thoughts of what happens after we shuffle off this mortal coil. After all, we’ve had a lifetime to think about it...

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Steve SmithComment
Mental Health Challenges

Few of us seem to care about the matter until the emergency is inside our own home but it’s probably a safe bet that there lurks some sort of mental illness – schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or acute depression – among each of our extended families or friends.

The darkness can be cloaked in silence. The very phenomenon repels intrusion as if a fine mist of shame envelops the private interior. The sufferer may refuse treatment. The parent is but a helpless witness to the child’s descent into, say, severe anxiety. The ultimate tragedy occurs when the final articulation is suicide – as it was with the son of Jim Martin, the author of our discussion piece (click: Commentary, Search For Health Care Treatment).

Jim will join our session as lead participant as he himself lives with bipolar disorder, a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings from soaring highs to depressive lows. There, he said it. He didn’t happen to choose the condition but he has chosen to share it with us. That is his gift. His courage demonstrates that life is more than a spectator sport...

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Steve SmithComment
Temporary Marriage

What seems anecdotally evident is borne out by statistics i.e. 40 percent of newlyweds had been married at least once before. At least that’s the report from our discussion piece (click: Temporary Marriage) as it argues for trial marriages, or marriage limited by contract, in the case of partners who do not intend to have children. A renewable contract would require partners to say, “I choose you again,” every five or ten years. Childbearing would trigger a longer commitment.

Discuss: imagine a shrink-to-fit marital model that actually comports with the realities of partner dynamics. Margaret Mead once suggested a two-step version of marriage that matches the partners’ sensibility, means, and circumstances – maybe an “individual commitment,” easily dissolved in the early stages, followed by a “parental commitment,” if and when ready. Longevity alone shouldn’t be the marker of a happy, healthy marriage when that “death do us part” vow becomes more of a sentence than an aspiration.

The contrary argument is that a pledge is a pledge. But then the question comes down to/with whom? Were the relationship to be deemed a private affair between two consenting adults the matter would seem contractual in nature and thus subject to update i.e. some combination of a living, breathing postnup and vow renewal...

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Steve SmithComment
Debt Jubilee

Our challenge for this session is to peek behind the gaslighting known as modern economic theory and ponder the realities of our national debt, now $35.28 trillion. And climbing. Exponentially. The national debt actually increased by $17.96 trillion over the last ten years. For some context, total consumer debt – all the mortgage, auto, credit card, and student loan balances – is another $17.80 trillion.

In other words, just the increase in our national debt over the past decade went up by the same amount as the sum of all existing private debt currently owed by the entire population. (By the way, the national debt number doesn’t even include so-called unfunded liabilities like social security and medicare which, if included, would roughly triple that official debt number.)

Here’s the ultimate prize – yes, a free dessert – for the first person to offer any credible, or even an incredible, plan to grow out of this existential problem, something beyond a timeline featuring a point labeled “then a miracle happens.” That challenge goes not only to the principal but to its ultimate servicing given the quote attributable to Einstein that the most powerful force in the universe is compounding interest (“eighth wonder of the world”)...

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Steve Smith Comment