Surely no statute of limitations, legally-speaking or otherwise, should apply when it comes to the public's interest in certain matters. Some truths unfold only with the passage of time.
We'll set the table with two examples. It was not until many years thereafter that the public really understood the degree to which it had been (intentionally) misled in order to garner its initial support of that national hallucination known as Vietnam (MM 9/25/17, click Vietnam). Then, the so-called war on drugs, having become a classic cure-far-worse-than-the-disease, was itself born out of a cynical ploy to accomplish other ends (see the years-later deathbed confession of John Erlichman that the Nixon White House's drug war was a way to provide a cloak of legitimacy around its attacks on blacks and hippies, MM 9/26/16, click War On Drugs). The common elements: lack of transparency; undisclosed agenda; engineered public perception.
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