Real Coffee With Scott Adams (the cartoonist behind Dilbert) had hosted a public (Youtube) livestream for an hour or so every single morning @ 8:00 (local) as he interacted with an audience of two thousand or so via real-time posted comments.
His session a couple of weeks ago (having just stumbled upon it) included the subject of race and race relations. Among his general points: the power of individual initiative; the importance of role models; the critical part that education (in the broad sense) plays in overcoming most life disadvantages. On the one hand, there seemed little to take issue with. On the other hand, in the context of race relations, that hour felt somehow charged, as if one were watching a bomb-defusing scene -- one twitch and the whole damn thing would explode.
Detonate it did, just one week later. In a subsequent podcast of February 22, Adams – citing a (Rasmussen) poll that apparently found only a slim majority of Black Americans agreed with the statement that "It's okay to be White" – was quoted as saying this demonstrates that the black community is effectively a hate group, that this racial divide was never going to go away, and that Whites would do well by "getting the hell away."
Boom. The aftermath was immediate, widespread, and punitive i.e. among a number of other consequences, the entire Dilbert syndication of over thirty years was summarily canceled…
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