Iced Tea

Makes 1 gallon
Boil 8 c water
Pour over 4 bags Lemon Zinger
4 bags Raspberry Zinger
Remove Constant Comment at seven minutes
Add 1/2 cup honey and 1/2 cup organic cranberry concentrate
Stir well and top with chilled water/ice

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Dustin SimantobComment
Pine Nut Macaroons

Holiday sweets — awwww and mostly unavoidable. Who really wants to reject all delicious treats anyway? In my endeavor to feel less guilty, I stock our freezer with nut cookies, one of our favorites being these extravagant and satisfying nibbles. And they freeze exceptionally well (about the only way for them to last any length of time around our house).

Pine Nut Macaroons (Pignoli.) GF Recipe…

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Cranberry Mold Revamp

Many of the childhood traditional dishes have mutated or disappeared as we all make healthier choices. This dish was my favorite but the original was too sweet. Originally it was made with canned cranberry sauce. Solved that and made it more nutritious as well using fresh cranberries cooked in pineapple juice (from the can of chunks used in the recipe). Make ahead and store in refrigerator for days. Unmold when ready to serve…

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Dustin SimantobComment
Carrot Cake

Harvest and we've done the zucchinis and now we have a bounty of baby carrots with a few almost normal size Danvers variety. They are all sweet and tender and inspired the labors required to grate three cups of these miniature versions. Worth the effort deems Tyler our chef, who concurred that this week's recipe ought to be for the carrot cake sample he tried this morning.

Needless to say, my goal is to create health-beneficial and delicious treats for the City Club. I made this carrot cake with Tupelo honey (had to order online) using half the amount for sugar instead, added sifted almond flour and my custom blend of GF flour, which is challenging to discern in the final product.

View the CARROT CAKE recipe below…

If you've never rendered peppers, here's the easy way and useful for all varieties: Heat broiler and place rack about 4'" below. Align peppers on flat sheet pan and turn after short time to char all sides, put in paper bag and close for five minutes before removing skin and scraping out seeds with a spoon…

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Dustin SimantobComment
Chili Corn Chowder

Feeling the chill in the morning and the earlier dark of evening brings soup and cake to mind. Because it's Hatch chili season and the end of local corn, I was inspired to create this soup with our garden Anaheim and poblano peppers (with maybe one jalapeno sneaking in). Having bought the last six ears of corn at our local market, I was inspired to create this soup.

If you've never rendered peppers, here's the easy way and useful for all varieties: Heat broiler and place rack about 4'" below. Align peppers on flat sheet pan and turn after short time to char all sides, put in paper bag and close for five minutes before removing skin and scraping out seeds with a spoon…

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Dustin SimantobComment
Pumpkin Waffles

Pumpkin season and I am a fool for pie pumpkins since Olivia shared this pumpkin waffle recipe which we make gluten free easily. In case you are looking at an abundance of those little delights i your garden or if like me, you are finding at SPROUTS for 99 cents each, attack the challenge.

TO RENDER A PUMPKIN: wash and break off stem. Cut in half and scrape out seeds with a large spoon. Place halves in baking dish cut side down in 1/2" water. Put in 425 degree oven for about one hour, until soft on top when pushed. Remove from water and let cool to handle. Remove skin, puree in Foley food mill, Cuisinart or blender. Now ready for pies or waffles or if further simmered with spices, apple cider, and honey to taste becomes Pumpkin Butter.

View the inspirational PUMPKIN WAFFLE recipe here…

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Dustin Simantob Comment
Homemade Granola

I find myself turning to nuts and seeds these days for simple meals and snacks. I have made granola since Gabrielle Silva gave me her delicious recipe in 1980 (which of course I’ve mutated). We will be offering this special version as a new City Club signature dish.

Find the little sample bags adjacent to the concierge. And here’s that recipe:…

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Dustin SimantobComment
Tomato Soup

THE KITCHEN has always been one of my favorite places for delicious treats. Years ago they offered a tomato soup which was addictive (and I don’t generally even like tomatoes). For many years I have endeavored to grow a bounty of San Marzanos as that is what their recipe below required. This is a great light meal soup with a salad and quite simple to create…

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Dustin SimantobComment
Zucchini Soup - Curried

The garden is finally producing zucchini (because I seed planted extremely late) whereas I imagine every other gardener is finally over the abundance and finding themselves with some oversized (willingly overlooked) and dismaying harvest. The solution is this delightful delicious and simple soup base which can be frozen, heated or eaten cold. All interesting. But if you choose to heat do not add your yoghurt (if you use) until hot and then stir in for best benefits…

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