Jessie Kennedy


Jessie Kennedy is the General Counsel at RoadWarrior, an app company co-owned with her husband, Rick. RoadWarrior headquarters is  located on the second floor of Highland | City Club, where Jessie can be found negotiating deals, pondering deep life questions, and/or carefully perusing the H | C lunch menu.

Prior to RoadWarrior, Jessie opened Juice Revolution, a juice truck based in Washington, DC, led the sales effort at DC’s first farmer-friendly grocery delivery company, and spent a formative year working in London and traveling all over Europe.

Jessie graduated from Colgate University and Chicago-Kent School of Law. She is a former ice hockey player, and her greatest professional achievement earned her the nickname “Bone Crusher” at work for scoring a goal after breaking her collarbone in a league game. She lives in Boulder with her husband and 4 year old son, Cole.

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