Lopa Van Der Mersch


Lopa van der Mersch is a serial entrepreneur, mother of two, a sustainability freak, and a TEDx speaker who practices Kalari, an ancient Indian martial art. Lopa’s adventures have taken her around the world in search of health, spiritual fulfillment, and boundless energy. 

Three years ago Lopa added a new chapter to her life story as the Founder and CEO of Rasa, the adaptogenic coffee alternatives revolutionizing people’s relationship to their energy. 

In 2015, Lopa endured a series of life changing traumas, forcing her to leave what proved to be a cult, underwent emergency surgery while pregnant, lost a beloved family member, and had a traumatic Cesarean birth. Worn down and exhausted, Lopa determined she needed a sustainable source of energy that could naturally elevate her mood without burnout, crashes or jitters - and that it would not be as harsh on her already taxed nervous system as coffee.

Since Lopa was unable to find what she needed, she partnered with a clinical herbalist and got to work. After countless failures and many “almost-but-not-quite” creations, they gave birth to Rasa, an adaptogen-rich blend that nourishes and revitalizes the body while providing enough rich, roasty flavor to convert even the most devoted coffee fanatic. 

Three years later, what Lopa started in her kitchen has grown into a full-blown energy movement, exploding with a 3X yearly growth, recognized as a Forbes Next 1000 company, and serving over 100,000 customers worldwide.

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