Michael Kosacoff


Yesterday Michael Kosacoff who grew to be a good friend and a City Club Honorary Member passed to the other side of the veil. 

Michael was a brilliant guy on many fronts. A psychologist, Sufi and an ordained Rabbi, Michael liked to read, study, play the piano, and debate. No matter how many points of view we already had, we could count on Michael to come up with yet another one

Michael was a student of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and since he loved videography, he recorded many of Zalman’s talks. Michael brought that gift to City Club and recorded, and participated in many of the talks we have had over the years.

Since Michael had no family or kids of his own, towards the end City Club and its members were a big part of his community and family.  Once diagnosed with cancer, I was amazed to see how many City Club members paid him visits, brought him food and flowers, and sat by his bedside.

I took this picture of Michael on his death bed last Sunday knowing I’ll never see him again, but somehow had a feeling Zalman is waiting for him on the other side to welcome him and show him a good time. I just hope Michael is not too critical of heaven, or gets into an argument with Zalman.

We will miss Michael but feel blessed to have had him as an integral part of our City Club community. Graveside funeral is today at 2pm at Mountain View Memorial Park, 3016 Kalmia Ave in Boulder.


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