Barbarians At The Gate


The triple punch of a global pandemic, political unrest at home, and a pending financial reset are indicative of a major societal change, a hinge in history if you will, or a Fourth Turning

 When the kinetic energy of the pendulum swings to the far side of the political center; when income equality is so vast, the wealth of three billionaires exceeds that of the lower half; when failed banks get Government bailout and favorable tax treatment, while the hard-working Main Street entrepreneurs are left to fail on their own in the name of “creative destruction,” then the pendulum's kinetic energy suddenly morph’s into potential energy, enabling the political Left to riot in the streets of Seattle, the political Right to storm the US Capital, and a new Occupy Wall Street crowd to use their digital pitchforks to take down billion-dollar short-selling hedge funds (see Steve Smith’s detailed review HERE).

 At this time of extraordinarily rapid change, when the very foundation of our existing systems seems to be crumbling, where should we look for an anchor of stability? What lessons in history have survived the test of time and are relevant to our situation today?

 The Jews' 3500-year history of surviving rapid and unexpected change is a good place to start. The Greek’s philosophy and their description of what true freedom means is a close second. Combined, they teach us not only how to survive, but how to thrive.

During these turbulent times, Highland City Club strives to be a Securus Locus, physically, emotionally and intellectually, to help our members weather the tsunami of the rapid changes heading our way. In preparation, we are in the midst of major construction projects to prepare Highland for the post-pandemic world ahead.

 — Sina.

Sina SimantobComment