Our own (member) Eddie Zapata has just published an engaging novel that addresses the challenge put forward by Joseph Campbell in his The Hero With a Thousand Faces i.e. “If we could dredge up something forgotten not only by ourselves but by our whole generation or our entire civilization, we should become indeed the boonbringer, the culture hero of the day – a personage of not only local but world historical moment.”
Eddie’s recently-published The West is The Light is our focus piece as we “dredge up” what we, our entire civilization, may have forgotten. That exercise demands an historical perspective, almost by definition necessitating an outsider’s frame of reference. The strength of the novel is the choice of its messenger – the protagonist is a bright, young American boy (Clark) transported across the European centuries by way of a history book with magical properties.
Do not, however, confuse child-like with childish for this work provides a timeless objectivity that reconnects the reader with the certain lost truths of luminaries, both legendary and historical e.g. Socrates, Dante, Stoics, Greek gods innumerable. Fear not, though, you will not be weighed down by the ambition of this book as the manner and delivery of the underlying narrative is one of a kinder, gentler Scottish mentor introducing his young charge to what may have been lost in some hyper-kinetic culture unable to catch its breath…
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