Most people are so busy earning a living, parenting, and trying to stay healthy, they have no time to think. The smart ones perhaps read the New York Times and/or the Wall Street Journal to educate themselves about the issues. Fewer are blessed with the resources and time to deeply contemplate the significance and source of such matters. One particular issue, the rate of human expansion, is worthy of analysis, trusting that the definition of the problem is half the solution.
The slope of human expansion on our planet is simply not sustainable. The global population has grown more in the past century than in our recorded history. We are at eight billion and projected to grow to eleven billion before any meaningful decline. It thus makes sense that our population will eventually reach its limits and then decline. But how?
We might speculate: an asteroid?; a plague?; nuclear war?; or something else entirely? My hypothesis is that it might be technological innovation, somewhat ironic given technology’s role as the main driver of our population explosion in the first place. From the steam engine to the industrial revolution, from electricity and cars to computers and cellphones, technology has improved the quality and quantity of human life…
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